We are so excited to add another little girl to our crew!!!!
(Thanks Carly for Maggie's first outfit.)
Margaret Ann will be joining us sometime in August!!!!!!
I am so excited to meet this little sweety!!
Our 24 week (actually I am only 23 weeks and 2 days) appointment went great today, we got to see a few new pictures of her, she is a cutie if I do say so myself! Again, I was nervous about the ultrasound, but really no need to be because everything that the doctor looked at was perfect! The main purpose of this appointment was to see the heart, which we were unable to see at our 20 week appointment. We saw all 4 chambers of the heart, the aorta, left ventricle and right ventricles of the heart (Heartrate was 154). We also got to see her cute button nose, lips, a foot and her tiny little "lady bits" telling us that she is a SHE!!!!!! Kate is beyond excited about the news, she has wanted a little baby sister since the beginning. Nick is ok with it, but wants to name her Lucas, lol.
23 weeks and 2 days
10 pounds gained so far, I am proud of myself since I had gained...
26 pounds with Kate
21 pounds with Nick
by this time in the pregnancy with the previous two.