- It's 8:20am, and I am grateful to have gotten to sleep in until 7:30.
- It is supposed to be a sunny 84 degrees today and 86 tomorrow, perfect days to spend outside playing in the yard and bike riding, so that is the plan. I do wish that there was an outdoor pool open somewhere.
- Between work and fire officer class Mike is gone ALL weekend.
- We have a softball clinic at 9:30 this morning for Kate hosted by the High School's Varsity softball girls team as a fundraiser.
Kate-"Oh my gosh Nick you have an eyelash on your cheak!!!!!!!" "Hold still so I can get it!!!!!!"
Nick looks at her like she is crazy, but he follows her direction and holds 'statue still'.
Kate-"Here Nick, now make a wish, then blow your eyelash, and your wish will come true.
A look of more confusion by Nick along with silence
Kate-"No, no, no, you are supposed to make a wish in your head, you can't tell anyone!" Say it in your head.
Nick-"In your head"
Kate-"That's not a wish!"
Kate-"Moooooooommmmm, Nick's not making a wish and he HAS to!"
(Now that is certainly something to tattle about, don't you think?
- Nick had his last day of pre-school on Thursday, class was at a park, he loved school this year, next year it will be three days a week. This is Nick and his favorite teacher Mrs. Thode.
- Less then a month until Aunt Julie's wedding!
- Kate had to get a tooth pulled last week due to a cavity, it broke my heart, I swear I make the kids brush their teeth regularly.
- Kate has ran almost 18 miles in Millage Club at school over the past month. I don't think that I have ran 18 miles in my life!
- We went to a Lansing Lugnuts game on Thursday with Mike's fire chief, his wife and 5 year old daughter, we all had a blast and ate dinner at the ballpark!
- Kate just bribed Nick to sit on her lap for a quarter, and he did, and now he wants a quarter.
- Mike passed his fire inspector test, he just got the results on Wednesday and was sooooooooo super excited! Mike is a pretty smart guy and he said it was the hardest test he has ever taken.
- Baby Maggie weighs over 2 pounds now.
- My 14 year old car is getting looked at today by a friend of mine to help determine if it is worth fixing the 10 things wrong with it, or use the money to buy a new car. My car has been so good to us over the years and doesn't owe us a dime.
- The new Meijer by our house has their Grand Opening tomorrow, so I whipped 2 of these up for their entrance. Cool Huh?
- Baby Maggie now has a new carseat to come home from the hospital in, it is pink and grey, I love it! I went with BabyTrend this time instead of Graco.
- Mike grilled the most delish hotdogs EVER the other night for dinner, I made my secret hotdog relish, it was to.die.for!
- I have a lot of laundry to do today, sadface.
- Kate had her last day of soccer practice this week, she loved it.
- I have another "baby" appointment coming up this week, it is the week when they check for gestational diabietes, I hope I don't have it!
- We sent out Kate's 6th birthday invitations this week, I can't believe she is going to be 6 soon!
- I think that is all for day, have a great weekend. I gotta start the laundry.