Friday Morning
Mike worked a 24 hour shift.
I went to a Mother's Day Tea Party at Kate's Pre-School.
We had silver tea kettles and tea cups at each table.
All of the children "crowned" their Mother's with the most beautiful purple and teal handmade couture hats with flowers and ribbon. Kate is placing my hat on my head while Nick watches.
The view across the pre-school room at all of the Mom's with their beautiful hats.
Mommy and Kate
Kate getting tea for us.
Kate with her "finger Food" at our Mother-Daughter Tea Party.
Nick had to tag along because Mike was working.
Saturday Morning
We had my best friends daughter's first birthday party on Saturday morning, so I made these fun flower centerpieces to coordinate with with the party theme.
Saturday Evening
We had Kate's first dance recital Saturday night, it was very exciting and a HUUUUGGGGGGEE deal! She was in 3 different dances and also in the finale. The theme of the recital was New York City. In the picture below was Kate's costume for the song "Let it Snow" to resemble winter in New York. She did AMAZING, and loved being on stage. She said her favorite part was when people clapped for her.
Nick and Kate right before her recital.
Kate and three other dancers.
After the 2.5 hour recital a few friends and my Mom and Dad came back to the house for dessert.
Sunday Morning-Mother's Day
We had the most wonderful peaceful Mother's Day. Unfortunately, Mike had to work again, so he was away from the house, but my Mom and Dad were able to visit for the day. Nick hung out with Grandpa for the afternoon while Grandma, Kate and I went to Subway for lunch, then did some shopping. A few hours later we came back to the house and went for a walk to the park while Kate and Nick rode their bikes.
Kate hanging upside down.
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<><><> The kids on their bikes on the perfect sunny spring day. >
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After our walk we all went out to Dinner that was delicious! Then back home for showers and bed, just in enough time to start another busy week.
(sorry if there are lots of spelling and grammer mistakes in this post, I just can not muster up the energy to proof read this post, I am exhausted!)