
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Toys repurposed.

We have lots of girl toys hang'n around this house, in fact 2 years more worth of girl toys then boy toys...although boy toys are slowly catching up.

It is fun to see Nick take Kate's toys and use them in a way that I would never imagine using them...EVER, not as an adult or a little girl, but it makes perfect sense to him. 

Today, after Nick had pajama day at school (look how cute he is)!
Thanks Aunt Yvonne for the adorable Garnet Hill monkey slippers!
Thanks Aunt Lola for the jammies and the warm robe!

Julie, do you remember the dog Nick is holding?  It was mine when I was little, I named it Cinnamon, after Christmas Nick re-named it Lucy, I wonder how he came up with that? 
Cute huh!  He carries Lucy around everywhere he goes.


Anyway...back on subject.  After school, as I was getting lunch ready, I looked over and watched Nick in amazement as he took two tables from Kate's Barbie house and hoisted Barbie's Hot Pink Mini-Coop convertible (that I am very jealous of) up in the air.  He continued to play and make car sounds and noises that boys just instinctively know how to make and "changed" the tires on the car.  Not really, but he pretended to.  He was soooooo into it, really...changing Barbie's tires for her, what a nice guy. I would never think to play like that.  It's so fun to see what boys do, I guess because I didn't have a BIG brother to grow up with...or a little brother for that matter (you failed mom and dad, haha). I soooooo wanted a BIG brother, but I never got one :(

The mechanic is done, Barbie's got a fresh new set of tires!
(I hope he billed her too, rich B*&#ch). 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Just a Random Saturday Morning Post

  • It is a chilly 1-degree outside...and Mike is out snow blowing.
  • Kate wants to go to the park in her snow gear so she can swing and go down the slide, I think it might be a little too cold...I know I don't want to go.
  • I woke up with a cold again, I can't breath out of my nose!  I thought I got rid of my two week cold, but it looks like it returned.  I have a headache too, I wanna go back to bed.
  • We went to the Shrine Circus on Thursday night, it was much better then what I was expecting.  At intermission Nick was all excited to ride the he did.  Kate wouldn't go near the elephants...or the ponies.
Nick is the 3rd one from the back in a royal blue jacket.
  • Mike brought home donuts this morning after he got out of work, YUMMY, what a delicious treat, and now I don't have to make breakfast!
  • Nick went to work with me for a few hours yesterday and did great!  He ate his lunch and watched a movie on my phone, you wouldn't have even known he was there, he was so good.
  • Kate loves rolling around the house all day long in her Dora roller skates, including going up and down the steps in them at 6:30 in the morning, cla-clunk, cla-clunk, cla-clunk!
  • Nick still wants nothing to do with going pee pee on the potty, or outside on a tree.
  • There are dishes and laundry to do...Thanks Kate for unloading the dishes, I know it is not the most "fabulous" job to do around the house.
  • Now Mike is snow blowing the neighbors driveway's too, what a nice guy.
  • We have no plans for the day.
  • Nick's favorite part of the circus was the motorcycles doing flips in the air.  Kate loved the magic tricks and acrobats.
  • The kids have gone downstairs to play, and I am still watching Saturday morning cartoons. Oh! Phineas and Ferb are coming on next!
  • Nick is chatting up a storm nowadays, it's so fun listening to him.
  • Kate love's doing yoga in the mornings, I wish I could find a family Saturday morning class that we could go to, instead of doing it on TV all of the time.
  • Mike is kicking by butt at "Words with Friends", as usual.
That's it for now, stay warm today!

Monday, January 16, 2012

What a day...

We had the pleasure of hanging out in Dearborn, Michigan all day to watch our cousin, Colin, play in a youth hockey tournament (he's 13).  Colin and his family are from Ohio, so we don't get to see them often, especially on our turf in Michigan. Nick absolutely loves Colin and actually slightly obsesses over the day was a HUGE hit!

Colin brought a hockey jersey for Nick to wear over his jacket and his own little mini hockey stick, Nick loved it and wore it all day.  He didn't even want to take it off at lunch or when we did a little shopping at the mall. The poor kid had to have been boiling since I had dressed him in layers to begin with, not knowing how cold the rinks would be.
2.Long Sleeve Michigan Shirt
3.Gap Sweatshirt
4.Winter coat
5.Hockey Jersey...that he would NOT take off!
We watched the first game in Southgate, unfortunately, Colin's team lost 2-5, but it was to the best team in the league.  I was very surprised (I don't know why) to see how competitive the kids and the PARENTS were, lots of yelling and banging!!!! Colin had lots of playing time...Here are a few action shots that Kate took using an iphone, I think she thought that she was the team photographer, because I now have no fewer then 200 half blurred action pictures of Colin playing hockey!! Don't get me wrong I love pics of Colin playing hockey, I just wish I had one good pic!! 
Colin with the yellow helmet.

I wish now that I would have bought a $5 pic from the professional photographers that were at the rink, but all I have is a pic of the pic that Kate took again, uhg. :(
This was a super good professional picture.

After the first game we headed out to lunch, I think some of the team were heading to Hooter's, but we choose TGIFriday's, which was delicious!  After lunch we went on to game #2 at U of M Dearborn Ice Arena.  Crazy enough, game #2 was against the exact same team as game #1, we lost again 0-3, but the team played great!
Fortunately, Patty (not me, but Aunt Patty) was there for Kate's entertainment.  Kate has really taken to Patty and loved modeling Patty's scarf and mittens.  Kate enjoyed the hockey game too, but probably not as much as Nick and soon found other ways to entertain herself, including photography.
Colin's team took 2nd place overall in the tournament and even won a trophy.  Colin's coach was so thoughtful and invited Nick into the (Very Stinky) boys locker room after game #2 to hang out with the "Big Boys"  Nick even got to hold the trophy!! Sorry, no pic because I wasn't in there:(
It was a fun, but exhausting day for the kids.  By the time we got in the van Nick was asleep with his hockey stick in hand and Colin's team hockey flag before we left the parking lot.
What a fun day!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Wedding Shows

Some of the fun of working for an Event Company are attending the January wedding shows that are held at several venues in our area.  All Grand Events attended 3 Bridal shows last week. Thursday we attanded a very exculsive show at The Country Club of Lansing, Friday a "Casino themed-date night" show at Eagle Eye Golf Club and Sunday we attended Bridal World at the Lansing Center in down town Lansing.  Each show was very successful, exciting and exhausting!  We will certainly have a busy summer full of weddings to decorate this spring, summer and fall.

I snapped a few pictures with my phone to show you some of the fun we have creating centerpieces and bouquets.  Of course with my old cell phone that has no flash the pictures aren't that great, but oh well, everything was stunning in person!


 Here is a picture of my favorite Bridal bouquet, we made 4 samples, but I didn't get pics of the others.

Many of the competing Wedding Decor Vendors went a little "Theme" wild with crazy colors, but we kept decor simple, clean and refreshing, using only Ivory as our color pallet, and added lots of glass, crystals and candle light to "glitz" it up a bit.


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