Take a look at parts of our conversation regarding the first quarter of the game.
P=Convo from Patty, A=Convo from Andrea
Game Comments during 1st quarter
P-Who are you rooting for?
A-I’ll go with Green Bay, I know more people who like Green Bay.
P-Ok, I’ll go with the Steelers, they are from Pittsburg right? Mike has an uncle that lives in Pittsburg, so we’ll go with them.
P-Look they both have yellow pants on, how are we supposed to tell’em a part?
A-Well yellow doesn’t go with much (Meaning clothes)
A-Ok, when are the ads coming on?
A-What are those band things they wear around there elbow, they look tight?
P-I have no clue, but sometimes they wear’em under their knee, maybe to keep the knee cap up.
P-Did you know those lines aren’t painted on the field? (Talking about line of scrimmage and 1st down lines, I think)
P-I don’t know how they know where to stand on the field without the lines.
A-They have those chains they look for, my dad did the chains.
P-Oh he was part of the chain gang? At high school or for the Lions?
A-Come on! At home
A-I don’t understand football
A- Damn, can any of these people catch a ball? I thought they were supposed to be good at this level.
P-What number Superbowl is this? Whats XLV?
A-I don’t know
P-(We asked the boys and found out it was Superbowl 45)
A-Is that Green Bay? Oh, I thought they changed their shirts.
*OK, so the conversation seemed funnier last night, then it does today, but oh well.*
After 1st quarter we lost interest in the game, but still had it on to view commercials and started finding apps and playing games for our phones.
Favorite- E-Trade commercial with Peppers the cat.
Most Anticipated-Shape Ups with Kim Kardashian
Easy to relate to-I don't know what the ad was for but it was the ad that had the two men sitting at a desk and one emailed the other, then the other man 'reply all' instead of just reply. Haven't we all done that?
Not impressed-Budweiser (the first ad)
We had a fun night, and the kids loved it too!

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